President of Jamiyatu Ulama Australia

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School responsibilities in offering beneficial knowledge to community development and national unity and integrity program, Perungalam, India
23rd July 2022

Interfaith Prayer For The Catholic University

We are very grateful to the Catholic University Parliamentary Interfaith Event organisers for bringing us all together to offer these important prayers and allow us this opportunity to collectively offer solace to our fellow Australians.
On behalf of my Muslim congregation from all over Australia and abroad, I bring you these prayers from the depth of my heart.

“O my Lord! I pray for refuge with You, in case I ask you for that about which I have no knowledge. And until You forgive me and have Mercy on me, I will truly be lost!”1 “There is no God except You: Glory to you: to you, I confess my wrong.2 “O my Lord! Do not leave me to struggle alone, You are the best of those who give support”3.

“Our Lord! We have wronged our own souls: forgive us and grant Your Mercy so that we are not lost.”4 “Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us for You are the All-Hearing the All – Knowing”5.

“Our Lord, You are the One Who (always) watches over us”6. “O Allah, our Lord! Fill our table with food and make our food a plentiful feast for the first and the last of us and a Sign from You; And provide for us the means to live, for You are the best Provider”7.

“O Allah, remove from us the pandemic and the affliction and the debilitating illnesses.”8

Our Lord, this pandemic has hampered our lives for two years and you know best our condition, it has affected the livelihood of billions of Your creation, it has affected the mental health of Your congregation; our Lord, bring down Your mercy upon us and revive and heal us through Your Grace just like You bring life back to earth with Your plentiful rain.

Our Lord, bring the human family closer together, so that we may learn to love, respect and honour one another, help us find peace, tranquillity and healing so that we may be devoted to you now and forever Amen.

The Most Eminent Imam Abdul Quddoos Al Azhari
National Grand Mufti of Australia

1 Prayer of Nur (Noah) (Al Quran 11:47)
2 Prayer of Yunus (Jonah) (Al Quran 21: 87)
3 Prayer of Zakariyya (Zakariah) (Al Quran 21:89)
4 Prayer of Adam and Eve. (Al Quran 7: 23 )
5 Prayer of Ibrahim and Ismael (Abraham and Ismail) (Al Quran 2:127)
6 Prayer of Musa (Moses) (Al Quran 20: 35)
7 Isa (Christ, the son of Maryam (Mary) ( Al Quran 5:14)
8 Authentic Hadith

Media Statement   |   17 October 2021

National Grand Mufti of Australia condemns killings in UK, Norway and Afghanistan

“My heartfelt condolences go out to the victims of terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, Norway and the UK. I pray for the victims and their families. I strongly condemn the terrorists who are responsible for these murders.” Said the Most Eminent Abdul Quddoos Al Azhari, National Grand Mufti of Australia.

“There is never an excuse to kill innocent civilians, the attack on the innocent civilians in Norway and the murder of UK lawmaker Sir David Armess MP are condemned in the strongest terms. Islam rejects these killings; the killers should face the full brunt of the law.” Said The National Grand Mufti.

“I have seen media reports indicating that the Islamic State (IS) have claimed responsibility for the Attacks on Mosques in Afghanistan. Since their rise to prominence, I along with fellow Imams have declared that “IS” is not Islamic and not a state and that they are an abomination and anathema to Islam. Islam rejects their terrorism and condemns their violence and calls on the relevant authorities to bring them to justice.” Said The National Grand Mufti.

“I call on all the relevant authorities to thoroughly investigate these horrific acts of terror and bring those who planned them as well as those who perpetrated them to justice.” Said the National Grand Mufti.

Authorised by:
The Most Eminent Abdul Quddoos Al Azhari
National Grand Mufti of Australia

19 August 2021

Statement from the National Grand Mufti of Australia
The Most Eminent Sheikh Abdul Quddoos Al Azhari

In the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful

الحمد الله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الأنبياء والمرسلين

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the universe, peace and blessings of Allah upon our beloved Nabi, Muhammed (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasalam)

I have been asked many times: “Why should there be two Grand Muftis in Australia?”
The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) is the original owner and appointer of this position. I reluctantly agreed to take this post earlier this year because I want to give additional support to the community through AFIC. I believe that the whole community should be supporting and cooperating with AFIC.
To set the record straight, I would like to confirm that Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammad, the Grand Mufti at ANIC, is a learned scholar and my respected and valued good friend for more than 25 years.
I also would like to confirm that Sheikh Shadi Al Suleiman, the President of ANIC, was close from a young age and I care for him just like any of my sons and the thousands of youth in Australia, Fiji, Malaysia, India, many Arab countries and other communities around the world, whom I have had the pleasure to serve over the years.
I also would like to confirm that my door as the National Grand Mufti of Australia will always be open for bringing unity and inclusion for all hard-working people of the community in Australia.
May Allah bless us and guide us all to work sincerely for the betterment of the community and for the betterment of Australia.

Imam Abdul Quddoos Al Azhari
National Grand Mufti of Australia

Arabic version


Article on Hijrah

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الأنبياء والمرسلين

My respected brother and sisters, Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

The word Hijrah comes from Hajara, which means to forsake, renounce, emigrate, separate, and flee.  Al-Hijrah with the definite article (al) refers to the famous event in the life of our Prophet (s.a.w)

The Hijrah is the crucial event that marked a turning point in history.  As well as becoming the basis of the Islamic calendar, it also marked the following:

  • The sacrifices of the Muhajirun and Ansar that have no comparison in the history of mankind. The Muhajirun were prepared to leave their wealth, homes and families for Allah.  The Ansar in turn were prepared to sacrifice their own wealth and comforts to such an extent that many of them offered to divorce their wives in order to have them married to the Muhajirun.
  • The Hijrah produced the first Islamic State, which became an example  for all Muslims throughout the ages.
  • This Islamic State was founded upon justice and equity between different races and religions. Human rights applied to all, regardless of race, religion or economic background.  Its legal system allowed people of different religions to live protected lives, and to follow the laws of their own religion.  This was the first time in history that such a truly equitable society ever existed.
  • The Hijrah opened up the way of Islam’s expansion from the Arabian Peninsula to the utmost extent of the East and the West.

The Hijrah teaches us some important lessons.

  • It teaches us that Hijrah was a command from Allah, and thereby the means of the Muslims’ success. Therefore, we must always seek every success through the means prescribed by Allah.
  • It teaches us that Islam will succeed by conveying the Deen of Allah to others. We must establish institutions where we can learn to spread Islam by showing good character and and being respectful to all people. Through our joint efforts and in the spirit of unity, peace and justice, we can spread Islam further as demonstrated by the Ansar and Muhajirun.

Dear Brothers, if we forget our past, then we are passing our present life without a foundation, and we are planning our future in darkness. Allah mentions in the Qur’an many examples of past nations and events, and warns us:-

‘Learn a lesson, then, O people of foresight.’

Let us, then, look at and learn from some examples of the sacrifices shown by Rasulullah (s.a.w) and his Ashab (r.a.a) during the Hijrah.

Asma’ bint Abu Bakr was content with Allah’s provision after her father Abu Bakr had left Mecca and spent all of his wealth in the way of Allah.  Instead of complaining to Abu Bakr’s father Abu Quhafah, she concealed the fact that Abu Bakr had left no worldly provisions for her and the rest of the family.

Ibn al-Laith risked his own life in order to take riding camels to Char Thawr, to carry the Prophet (s.a.w) and Abu Bakr (r.a.a) to Madinah.

Abdullah bin Abu Bakr used to bring food by night to the Prophet (s.a.w) and Abu Bakr (r.a.a)

Rasulullah chose the long coastal route to Madinah, rather than the more commonly travelled direct route.

Before the Hijrah to Al-Habashah or to Al Madinah Rasulullah (s.a.w) called the people of Ta’if to Islam, and endured painful torture from them.

The first priority upon reaching Al Madinah, before anything else, was to establish a Masjid, a place of prayer, for all of the Muslims.

He (s.a.w) established the bonds of Ukhuwwah (brotherhood) between all of the Muhajirun and Ansar.

He (s.a.w) established the foundation of the Islamic State.

We all know of Bilal’s sufferings at the hands of Umayyah bin Khalaf.  We all know the agony experienced by “Ammar bin Yasir at seeing his mother and father tortured and martyred for Allah.  We all know how Abu Bakr and “Umar competed with each other in their contributions to the Cause of Allah.  The valour, brotherhood, generosity and self-sacrifice of the Sahabah was never equaled before or after them in the entire history of mankind.

This should be more than enough to demonstrate to us that effort in Allah’s cause is needed in order to bring the Deen of Allah back to its glory.

My Brothers, Hijrah can be classified into two categories:

  • Leaving the Muharramat – forbidden things. This involves the rejection of un-Islamic and anti-Islamic ideas and actions. One must not be led by an attitude of submitting to and adopting the norms of un-Islamic society.  The Prophet (s.a.w) said

“Whoever imitates a people, he is one of them.”  Blind following of one’s environment is one of three paths towards Dalalah (misguidance), the others being    the blind flowing of one’s ancestral traditions and the blind flowing of one’s Nafs (desires)

  • Not only individual practice, but preaching, calling to and establishing the Deen. The Muslims must not fall into the trap of thinking that they can live submissively in an un-Islamic environment and keep their Deen to themselves.  Allah warns us against this:

Allah has described in the above ayah how Islam was established through the sacrifices and efforts of the Prophet (s.a.w) and his Sahabah when they performed the Hijrah. Allah helped them by sending down His unseen forces to aid them, fortifying their hearts with determination and tranquility. The result of the Hijrah was that the forces of Kufr and Shirk would eventually be defeated, and that the Word of Allah, would be ascendant and victorious.

Allah also says, ‘O My servants who believe! Indeed, My earth is vast, therefore worship only Me. That is, if it is not easy for you to worship Me in a certain land, and it is not possible for you to establish the Deen there, then make Hijrah to a land where these things are possible.’

Sa’id bin Jubayr says, in a commentary of this Ayah: “If you are in a land of disobedience to Allah, then leave it, as Allah’s earth is vast enough for you to make Hijrah.” ‘Ata’ says, “If you are commanded to commit disobedience to Allah, then leave it, for Allah’s’ earth is vast enough for you to make Hijrah.”

Therefore, it is obligatory upon everyone in a country in which there is disobedience and corruption against Allah, if it is not possible to change the situation, to make Hijrah to such a place where proper ‘Ibadah can be established and practiced.

According to the “Ulama’, Hijrah is allowed for the following reasons:

  • Persecution in one’s land or origin
  • Purposes of Da’wah
  • To increase Muslims’ numbers and to better Islamic circumstances.